
Unlock the potential of your data by earning $HUDI through quests, advertising, and surveys. HUDI's Earn section empowers users to monetize their data in ways that are both transparent and rewarding


HUDI offers a unique way to earn tokens by completing various quests designed to grow and engage the community. Each quest, whether it’s participating in surveys, commenting on tweets, or joining Telegram groups, rewards you with $HUDI tokens. The "Quest" section tracks your progress, showing completed tasks and rewards earned.

  • Tasks Available: From social media engagement to survey participation.

  • Rewards System: Earn tokens for each task you complete.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily start, track, and complete quests with clear instructions and reward metrics.


Monetize your audience by showing them relevant ads. The advertising platform within HUDI allows you to earn tokens based on impressions and clicks on the ads displayed to your connected audience. This is a user-centric approach, ensuring that ads are both relevant and rewarding.

  • Ad Placement Options: Select from various types of banners and ad placements.

  • Impressions & Clicks: Track performance metrics directly within the HUDI dApp.

  • Reward Transparency: See exactly how much you’re earning from each ad interaction.


Participate in surveys and earn $HUDI tokens. HUDI collaborates with different survey providers, allowing you to choose the most rewarding surveys to participate in. It’s a straightforward way to earn while providing valuable feedback.

  • Survey Providers: Multiple survey providers ensure a variety of options.

  • Time Estimates & Rewards: Know how long a survey will take and the rewards you’ll earn upfront.

  • Simple Participation: Start surveys with a single click, making the process seamless and efficient.

Last updated